 16 December, 2024



Aries, get ready for an exciting December! Last month, the planet Pluto moved into Aquarius, starting a new chapter. This month, your ruling planet Mars goes retrograde, and a full moon at the end of the month could bring good news about your career.

This December is all about feeling more confident and creative. Your natural leadership skills will really shine, and you might find yourself in the spotlight more often. It's a great time to work on creative projects or show off your talents. Just be careful not to let your ego get too big, and remember to listen to what others think too.

On December 1st, there's a new moon in your house of publishing, global stuff, and long-distance travel. It's a perfect time to take a chance on something new. Doors are opening, and things will start falling into place for you.

But remember to take it slow and steady. On December 7th, Mars slows down in your zone of fun, creativity, and personal desires. Take a break from learning and gaining expertise, and you'll start 2025 feeling really successful.

That Mars retrograde starts early in the month, on Friday, December 6th, in your 5th House of pleasure. Since Mars is all about sexual energy, this means your sex drive might change between now and the end of February, when Mars goes direct again. If that happens, don't be too hard on yourself. It's totally normal for these things to go up and down.

Also on December 6th, sweet Venus enters your 11th House of Friendship. So while your libido might be lower, your friendships, including with romantic partners, will be doing great. When Mars is retrograde, you might feel a little less ambitious than usual too. It's okay to let yourself rest and relax for the next few months.

Adding to the friendship theme, the next day, on Saturday, December 7th, Ceres, the asteroid of care and nurturing, also moves into your 11th House. The next few weeks will be all about sweet, caring love rather than fiery passion. Also on December 7th, dreamy Neptune ends its retrograde and goes directly in your 12th House of the Unconscious. This will help you feel more grounded and approach spirituality in a practical way.

There might be a little tension in your romantic relationships on Thursday, December 12th, when Mars opposes Venus. Mars is all about sexual energy, while Venus is about the softer side of love. You might be dealing with changes in your sex drive. It's a day for lots of self-care.

Another day for possible conflict is the Gemini full moon on Sunday, December 15th. Full moons are when things come to a head, and since this one is in your 3rd House, it could bring some ongoing conversations to a close. It might be a little stressful, so take extra good care of yourself around this time. But also on December 15th, Mercury ends its retrograde and goes direct. This will help wrap up conversations and make travel go more smoothly for the rest of the month.

The sun enters Capricorn on the Winter Solstice, on Saturday, December 21st. This is the shortest day of the year. Celebrate by eating lots of yummy food! It's a day for feasting and seeing friends and family. For the next few weeks, the sun is lighting up your 10th House of career. So even though Mars is retrograde and you might feel a little sluggish, there's a chance some good career news will come your way.

Chiron, the 'wounded healer,' goes directly to Aries on Sunday, December 29th. This brings a sense of calm and healing. It's a perfect day for an at-home spa day. Then, the next day, on Monday, December 30th, there's a Capricorn new moon in your 10th House. The end of the year might bring new friends and also have you rethinking your career path with an open mind. Enjoy New Year's, and see you in 2025!